
CoSApp is tested in environments based on Python 3.9 to 3.11. The core package is compatible with Python 3.12; however, a few extra dependencies may not be available yet in this version of Python.

Stable release

The easiest way is to install the conda package:

conda install cosapp -c conda-forge

or the PyPi package:

pip install cosapp

If you do not know how to setup a conda environment, please refer to the guidelines below.

From sources

The sources for CoSApp can be downloaded from the Gitlab repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

git clone

Or download the archive:

curl -OL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

python -m pip install . [tests,extra]


Create a new conda environment

Conda is a powerful package manager that allows you to create isolated virtual environments, each containing their own set of packages, and their own Python version. Creating a conda environment named env_name based on Python 3.11 containing cosapp is as simple as:

conda create -n env_name python=3.11 cosapp

Once the environment is created, you can activate it with:

conda activate env_name

Install Jupyter Lab to run tutorials

Our tutorials are based on Jupyter notebooks. Here is a list of additional dependencies you must install in your conda environment if you wish to run them locally:

conda install jupyterlab plotly nbformat -c conda-forge

To launch Jupyter Lab, execute command:

jupyter lab

and then navigate to the directory containing the tutorials (docs/tutorials from the source code directory).