Source code for cosapp.core.module

Basic class handling model tree structure.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import collections
import logging
from numbers import Integral
from typing import (
    Optional, Any, List, Dict, OrderedDict,
    Generator, MappingView, Sequence,

from cosapp.patterns.visitor import Visitor, Component as VisitedComponent
from cosapp.core.signal import Signal
from cosapp.utils.naming import NameChecker, CommonPorts
from cosapp.utils.helpers import check_arg
from cosapp.utils.logging import LoggerContext, LogFormat, LogLevel

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Child = TypeVar("Child", bound="Module")

[docs] class Module(LoggerContext, VisitedComponent, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # class Module does not inherit directly from abc.ABC, due to # a bug in Python 3.6 preventing the use of __weakref__ in slots. # Ref: # Here, use of abc.ABCMeta makes the class effectively abstract, # by activating decorators of the kind @abc.abstractclass, etc. """ A class to describe generic properties and functions of a component that can be single or made of child `Module`. Parameters ---------- - name [str]: `Module` name Attributes ---------- - name [str]: `Module` name - children [dict[str, Module]]: Sub-modules of current `Module`, referenced by names. - parent [Module]: Parent `Module` of current `Module`; `None` if there is no parent. - exec_order [Iterator[str]]: Execution order in which sub-modules should be computed. - description [str]: `Module` description. - _active [bool]: If False, the `Module` will not execute its `run_once` method - _compute_calls [int]: Store if the number of times :py:meth:`~cosapp.core.module.Module.compute` was called (due to inhibition of clean status) Signals ------- - setup_ran [Signal]: Signal emitted after :py:meth:`~cosapp.core.module.Module.call_setup_run` execution - computed [Signal]: Signal emitted after the :py:meth:`~cosapp.core.module.Module.compute` stack (= after :py:meth:`~cosapp.core.module.Module._post_compute`) execution - clean_ran [Signal]: Signal emitted after the :py:meth:`~cosapp.core.module.Module.call_clean_run` execution """ __slots__ = ( '__weakref__', '_name', 'children', 'parent', '_active', '_compute_calls', 'setup_ran', 'computed', 'clean_ran', '__members', '_desc', ) _name_check = NameChecker(excluded=CommonPorts.names()) def __init__(self, name: str): """`Module` constructor Parameters ---------- - name [str]: Module name """ self._name = self._name_check(name) self._desc = "" self.children: Dict[str, Module] = collections.OrderedDict() self.parent: Optional[Module] = None self._active: bool = True self._compute_calls: int = 0 # Signals self.setup_ran = Signal(name="cosapp.core.module.Module.setup_ran") self.clean_ran = Signal(name="cosapp.core.module.Module.clean_ran") self.computed = Signal(name="cosapp.core.module.Module.computed") private_prefix = f"_{type(self).__qualname__}__" self.__members = set( filter( lambda name: not name.startswith(private_prefix), dir(type(self)) ) ) def __dir__(self): """Collection of all member names (used for autocompletion)""" return self.__members
[docs] def tree(self, downwards=False) -> Generator[Module, None, None]: """Generator recursively yielding all elements in module tree. Parameters: ----------- - downwards [bool, optional]: If `True`, yields elements from top to bottom. If `False` (default), yields elements from bottom to top. """ if downwards: yield self for child in self.children.values(): yield from child.tree(downwards) if not downwards: yield self
[docs] def send_visitor(self, visitor: Visitor, downwards=False) -> None: """Recursively accept visitor throughout module tree.""" for module in self.tree(downwards): module.accept(visitor)
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: try: # Faster than testing return self.children[name] except KeyError: return super().__getattribute__(name) @property def contextual_name(self) -> str: """str : Name of the module relative to the root one.""" return "" if self.parent is None else self.full_name(trim_root=True) @property def compute_calls(self) -> int: """int : Number of calls to the compute method at last execution.""" return self._compute_calls @property def name(self) -> str: """str : `Module` identifier.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name: str) -> None: self._name = self._name_check(name) @property def description(self) -> str: """str: Module description""" return self._desc @description.setter def description(self, desc: str) -> None: check_arg(desc, 'description', str) self._desc = desc @property def exec_order(self) -> MappingView[str]: """MappingView[str]: sub-module execution order, as a name iterator""" return self.children.keys() @exec_order.setter def exec_order(self, namelist: Sequence[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(namelist, Sequence): raise TypeError("exec_order must be an ordered sequence of strings") nameset = set(self.children) if set(namelist) != nameset: if nameset: msg = f"exec_order must be a permutation of {list(self.children)}" else: msg = f"Can't set exec_order, as {!r} has no children" logger.error(f"{msg}; got {namelist}.") raise ValueError(msg) elif len(namelist) > len(self.children): repeated = list(namelist) for name in set(namelist): repeated.remove(name) raise ValueError(f"Repeated items {sorted(set(repeated))}") # Rearrange children in a new dictionary self.children = OrderedDict( (name, self.children[name]) for name in namelist ) @property def size(self) -> int: """int: Total number of elements in tree.""" return sum(1 for _ in self.tree()) def _add_member(self, name: str) -> None: """Add `name` to dynamic member list""" if '.' not in name: self.__members.add(name) def _pop_member(self, name: str) -> None: """Remove `name` to dynamic member list""" try: self.__members.remove(name) except: pass
[docs] def path_to_root(self) -> Generator[Module, None, None]: """Generator recursively yielding all elements up to root module. """ current = self yield current while current.parent is not None: current = current.parent yield current
[docs] def root(self) -> Module: for root in self.path_to_root(): continue return root
[docs] def path(self) -> List[Module]: """Returns full path from root Module as a list. Returns ------- List[Module] Full module list from root to self """ path = list(self.path_to_root()) return list(reversed(path))
[docs] def path_namelist(self) -> List[str]: """Returns full name list from root Module. Returns ------- List[str] The module full name list """ names = [ for elem in self.path_to_root()] return list(reversed(names))
[docs] def full_name(self, trim_root=False) -> str: """Returns full name from root Module. Parameters ---------- trim_root : bool (optional, default False) Exclude root Module name if True. Returns ------- str The module full name """ names = self.path_namelist() start = 1 if trim_root else 0 return ".".join(names[start:])
[docs] def call_setup_run(self): """Execute `setup_run` recursively on all modules.""" with self.log_context(" - call_setup_run"): logger.debug(f"Call {}.setup_run") self._compute_calls = 0 # Reset the counter for child in self.children.values(): child.call_setup_run() self.setup_run() self.setup_ran.emit()
[docs] def setup_run(self): """Method called once before starting any simulation.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def call_clean_run(self): """Execute `clean_run` recursively on all modules.""" with self.log_context(" - call_clean_run"): logger.debug(f"Call {}.clean_run") self.clean_run() for child in self.children.values(): child.call_clean_run() self.clean_ran.emit()
[docs] def clean_run(self): """Method called once after any simulation.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_path_to_child(self, other: Module, trim_top=True) -> str: """ Returns the relative path to target Module `other`. Raises `ValueError` if `other` is not related to current Module. Parameters: ----------- - other [Module]: sub-module of module tree. - trim_top [boll, optional]: if `True`, the name of the top module (self) is added to the path. Default is `False`. Returns ------- str: The relative path to `other` """ path = list() child = other while child is not self: path.append( child = child.parent if child is None: raise ValueError( f"{!r} is not a child of {!r}." ) if not trim_top: path.append( return ".".join(reversed(path))
[docs] def add_child(self, child: Child, execution_index: Optional[int]=None, desc="") -> Child: """Add a child `Module` to the current `Module`. When adding a child `Module`, it is possible to specified its position in the execution order. Parameters ---------- - child [Module]: `Module` to add to the current `Module` - execution_index [int, optional]: Index of the execution order list at which the `Module` should be inserted; default latest. - desc [str, optional]: Module description in the context of its parent module. Returns ------- `child` """ # Type validation check_arg(child, 'child', Module) specific_order = None if execution_index is not None: check_arg(execution_index, 'execution_index', Integral) specific_order = list(self.exec_order) specific_order.insert(execution_index, if in self.children: raise ValueError( "{} {!r} cannot be added, as Module already contains an object with the same name" "".format(type(child).__qualname__, ) child.parent = self child.description = desc self.children[] = child self._add_member( if specific_order: self.exec_order = specific_order return child
[docs] def pop_child(self, name: str) -> Module: """Remove submodule `name` from current module. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of submodule to be removed. Returns ------- `Module` The removed module. Raises ------ `AttributeError` if no match is found. """ try: child = self.children.pop(name) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"Component {name} is not a child of {self}.") self._pop_member(name) child.parent = None return child
def _precompute(self) -> None: """Actions performed prior to the `Module.compute` call.""" pass
[docs] def compute_before(self) -> None: """Contains the customized `Module` calculation, to execute before children.""" pass
[docs] def compute(self) -> None: """Contains the customized `Module` calculation, to execute after children.""" pass
def _postcompute(self) -> None: """Actions performed after the `Module.compute` call.""" pass
[docs] def run_once(self) -> None: """Run the module once. Execute the model of this `Module` and its children in the execution order. Notes ----- The driver are not executed when calling this method; only the physical model. """ with self.log_context(" - run_once"): if self.is_active(): self._precompute() logger.debug(f"Call {}.compute_before()") self.compute_before() for name, child in self.children.items(): logger.debug(f"Call {}.{name}.run_once()") child.run_once() logger.debug(f"Call {}.compute()") self._compute_calls += 1 self.compute() self._postcompute() self.computed.emit() else: logger.debug(f"Skip {} execution - Inactive")
[docs] def is_active(self) -> bool: """Is this Module execution activated? Returns ------- bool Activation status """ return self._active
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_standalone(self) -> bool: """Is this Module able to solve itself? Returns ------- bool Ability to solve the module or not. """ pass
[docs] def log_debug_message( self, handler: "HandlerWithContextFilters", record: logging.LogRecord, format: LogFormat = LogFormat.RAW, ) -> bool: """Callback method on the module to log more detailed information. This method will be called by the log handler when :py:meth:`~cosapp.utils.logging.LoggerContext.log_context` is active if the logging level is lower or equals to VERBOSE_LEVEL. It allows the object to send additional log message to help debugging a simulation. .. note:: logger.log method cannot be used here. Use handler.handle(record) Parameters ---------- handler : HandlerWithContextFilters Log handler on which additional message should be published. record : logging.LogRecord Log record format : LogFormat Format of the message Returns ------- bool Should the provided record be logged? """ message = record.getMessage() emit_record = super().log_debug_message(handler, record, format) if message.endswith("call_setup_run"): emit_record = False elif message.endswith("call_clean_run"): emit_record = False activate = getattr(record, "activate", None) if activate == False: # Display the number of system execution msg = f"Compute calls for {self.full_name()}: {self.compute_calls}" handler.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, msg, return emit_record