Source code for

Utility classes for executing CoSApp simulation following file events.

Those classes use third-party `watchdog` package to observe file events.
import logging
from threading import Timer
from typing import AnyStr, List, Union

from import System

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

try:  # watchdog will be a conditional dependency
    from import (
    from watchdog.observers import Observer

[docs] class WatchdogHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): """Define a watchdog class that allows to trigger actions on file events (creation, modification, etc.). Parameters ---------- owner: System Owner of the watchdog. Actions will be triggered on him on events folder: str Folder to supervise with the watchdog timeout: float, optional Define the max inactivity duration of the watchdog patterns: Union[List, AnyStr], optional Define the file patterns to monitor in the chosen path """ def __init__( self, owner: System, folder: str, timeout: float = 30.0, patterns: Union[List, AnyStr] = "*.*", ): """`WatchdogHandler` class constructor Parameters ---------- owner: System Owner of the watchdog. Actions will be triggered on him on events folder: str Folder to supervise with the watchdog timeout: float, optional Define the max inactivity duration of the watchdog patterns: Union[List, AnyStr], optional Define the file patterns to monitor in the chosen path """ super(WatchdogHandler, self).__init__(patterns=patterns) self._owner = owner self.timeout = timeout self.exit = False self.folder = folder self.__observer: Observer = None self.__timer: Timer = None self.__is_alive = False
[docs] def compute(self, file_full_path: str) -> None: """Actions to do while an event is detected Parameters ---------- file_full_path: str Gives access to the file that triggered an event """ self._owner.run_drivers()
[docs] def is_alive(self) -> bool: """Is the watcher alive?""" return self.__is_alive
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the watchdog by stopping the timer countdown and starting a new one""" if self.__observer is None: raise RuntimeError("Watcher has never been started.") self.__timer.cancel() self.__timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.stop) self.__timer.start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Exits the watchdog monitoring""" if not self.__is_alive: logger.debug("Watcher not alive.") return self.__is_alive = False self.__timer.cancel() self.__observer.stop() self.__observer.join()"..trigger on {!r} is timeout")
[docs] def start(self, time_step: float = 1.0) -> None: """Starts the watchdog monitoring Parameters ---------- time_step: float, optional Gives the time step at which the watchdog will check events in the supervised folder """ self.__observer = Observer() self.__observer.schedule(self, path=self.folder) if time_step > self.timeout: time_step = self.timeout logger.debug( f"> trigger created on {!r} with {self.timeout} seconds timeout.." ) self.__observer.start() self.__timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.stop) self.__timer.start() self.__is_alive = True
[docs] class FileCreationHandler(WatchdogHandler): """Specific watchdog class to monitor file creation events Parameters ---------- owner: System Owner of the watchdog. Actions will be triggered on him on events folder: str Folder to supervise with the watchdog timeout: float, optional Define the max inactivity duration of the watchdog patterns: Union[List, AnyStr], optional Define the file patterns to monitor in the chosen path """
[docs] def on_created(self, event: FileCreatedEvent) -> None: # when file is created """Actions to complete when a creation event is triggered Parameters ---------- event Event that triggered the watchdog """" #creation of file {event.src_path!r} detected") self.compute(event.src_path) self.reset() logger.debug( f"> trigger restart on {!r} for another {self.timeout} seconds.." )
[docs] class FileModificationHandler(WatchdogHandler): """Specific watchdog class to monitor file modification events. Parameters ---------- owner: System Owner of the watchdog. Actions will be triggered on him on events folder: str Folder to supervise with the watchdog timeout: float, optional Define the max inactivity duration of the watchdog patterns: Union[List, AnyStr], optional Define the file patterns to monitor in the chosen path """
[docs] def on_modified( self, event: FileModifiedEvent ) -> None: # when file is modified """Actions to complete when a modification event is triggered Parameters ---------- event Event that triggered the watchdog """" #modification of file {event.src_path!r} detected") self.compute(event.src_path) self.reset() logger.debug( f"> trigger restart on {!r} for another {self.timeout} seconds.." )
except ImportError: logger.warning( "'watchdog' package is not installed. Files modification and creation trackers are not available." )